Thursday, August 13, 2009

Liz Clark = The Female McGuyver

If you haven't heard of Liz Clark, read up on the chica. She's you know, just doing an everyday minor task called, um, sailing around the world by herself. What led me into knowing about her total badassedness is the film, Dear and Yonder. They filmed Liz as she's hunting/fishing for all that she eats, climbing up a coconut tree, diving to fetch her own seaweed to make seaweed salad, curing typhoid in a local village while playing double dutch, then just hopping off the side of her boat to go surf the vacant idyllic surf break in the Christmas Islands.

Yeah, I feel so dull too.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Roxy Athletix

Now even more of a reason to work out as much as possible. Roxy just launched a new line of athletic wear. Sheer Awesomeness.

Eat your heart out Under Armour..."we must protect this beach!"

Check for yo' self before you wreck yo' self.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Who is this model?

I don't know who this gal is but she's awesome. I found this pic in January's Malibu Magazine. Awesome pics by Mike Piscitelli.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

I heart Irene L's photography

Check out this photographer, Irene L. I love her photographs. Seriously it reminds me of lazy summer days or something.

South Shore

Forever remaining in the shadow if it's north shore sibling, the south shore of Oahu in the summer rarely get's talked about, but is still pretty awesome.

Moving there in 3 weeks = chalked full of awesomeness.

I'm not sure who did this illustration, but it is pretty sweet.

Neon chika bom bom.

They can glow in the dark, guide an airplane in to it's appropriate terminal, and spiff up a boring outfit all in one. Aw yeah, neon nail polish. Once you start, you can't stop. Pinks and neutrals will feel as hip as Layne Bryant.

Milani at CVS or any drugstore has an awesome neon pink and orange for under $5. Just use a neutral color as the base coat and it'll pop.